The ET double series range of air pumps ensures that there is plenty of water movement in wastewater applications; this boosts oxygen levels in the water, allowing aerobic bacteria to decompose. The double series offer high flow from a small footprint, and offer a useful alternative to expensive and noisy rotary vane compressors.

250 l/min (0.20 bar)
26mm Connector Size
300 l/min (0.20 bar)
26mm Connector Size
400 l/min (0.20 bar)
27mm Connector Size
Low cost, exceptionally reliable with long service intervals.
Ideal for large scale sewage treatment systems or pond aeration.
Fit for both indoor and outdoor use due to its weatherproof design.
Compatible with our service kits to help extend the life of the pump.
500 l/min (0.20 bar)
27mm Connector Size

At Charles Austen we recommend that enviro pumps are serviced at least every 18 months, service kits for each pump can be purchased from us. Sign up to our service reminder and we'll remind you when it is due!