For almost 75 years, Charles Austen Pumps has worked hard to earn the trust and respect of pump buyers within various industries across the world. Our founder, Charles Austen, is widely believed to have invented the first ever diaphragm pump using the leather from left-over army boots following the first world war. Charles later went on to found the company which in the 1940s, became the first manufacturer to put pumps in the laboratory, where the equipment was used to create vaccines for diseases such as Diphtheria, Smallpox and Polio.

It is common belief that the company's original founder 'Charles Austen' invented the first ever compact diaphragm pump following the First World War, using leftover army boot leather as the diaphragm material. The pump was produced for a friend of Austen's who required a miniature compressor for experiments with rare geese. Austen, a time later, started Charles Austen Ltd. which started producing similar models in quantity using a dis-used brewery in West Malling, Kent as a manufacturing plant. This world-changing invention spawned an industry that to this day, Charles Austen Pumps continue to innovate.

In the 1950s Charles Austen Pumps became the first manufacturer to put pumps in the laboratory. Our Pumps helped John Enders to develop the polio vaccine and have since gone on to aid the development of numerous vaccines saving the lives of hundreds of millions.

In 1953 Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay reach the summit of mount Everest. They took one of our pumps with them to complete crucial high altitude experiments.

In 1954 Charles Austen Ltd. was renamed Charles Austen Pumps Ltd during an acquisition by S.S.L Engineering Limited, and the business was transferred from Kent to Byfleet. To this day the business is still under the same family ownership and continues to operate from it's base in Byfleet.

In an effort to defeat the Nazis, British manufacturing had exponentially increased. During the 1950's London suffered an immense health crisis known as 'smog', fog contaminated by smoke and other pollutants. Charles Austen Pumps were specified in environmental monitoring equipment that was used to put the clean air act into process. This procedure prevented the immediate risk of respiratory issues to Londoners, most likely saving tens of thousands of lives.

By 1965 Charles Austen Pumps was exporting 50 percent of its output, and was paving the way for British engineering products in international markets. The quality of products on offer was so desirable that even the most unlikely of nations imported our pumps.

In 1971 the American space program was still firing on all cylinders. Apollo 15, an audacious mission was put in place to put a 'buggy' on the moon. Charles Austen pumps were used to test certain components of the rover module by creating an ultimate vacuum chamber, alike to the atmosphere of space.

1976 saw the first commercial flight of the supersonic passenger jet, Concorde. Charles Austen Pumps products were supplied for use during the aerodynamic heating research phase in which scale models were exposed to severe air resistance.

During the late 1980s, our pumps helped a number of Formula 1 teams develop their cars and race strategy. Vacuum forming seats for driver comfort along with the manufacture of fire proof suits, allowed more G-force intensive cars and the game-changing refueling pit-stop strategy to be introduced into the sport.

We were the first to manufacture a pump for the IVF conception process. In 1984, Louise Brown, the first IVF baby was born through the method that utilized a Charles Austen Pump.

In 1991 Charles Austen Pumps products were specified by a high-end performance car manufacturer to aid the manufacture of unique low-tolerance components.

1994 saw the cross channel tunnel between England and France open. Our pumps were specified for the air monitoring system underground. With over 21 million people transported each year, we are proud to have been part of the most monumental European engineering project in history.

The birth of Dolly the sheep in 1996 shocked the world into the notion that the science-fiction concept of cloning was now a reality. Dolly's existence opened the floodgates for stem cell experiments that have since caused huge breakthroughs in biological science.

The ATM marked a huge step for banking convenience around the world. Charles Austen Pumps supplied a pump to every ATM machine in the United Kingdom.

In 2004 Charles Austen Pumps created a new HVACR division solely dedicated to removing condensate away from Air conditioning and refrigeration units. Utilizing our patented rotary diaphragm technology BLUEDIAMOND pumps is technologically paving the way in the HVACR market with capacitive sensing and it's market leading 3 year warranty.

In 2007 Charles Austen Pumps were used in an ambitious Stonehenge archaeology project, aimed at finding out more about the mysterious structure.

In 2009 Charles Austen Pumps were asked to design and build a pump for a portable medical suction device. Now issued as standard in most Emergency response vehicles around the USA, the device has saved thousands of lives and spawned an industry that has saved countless more.

2011 saw Charles Austen pumps installed into huge data-centers across mainland Europe and the United States. Our products pumped a liquid solution from external cooling stations into and around the centers, keeping the servers at optimum temperature.

In 2012 the games came to London. In a colossal construction effort, much of the east end of London was totally re-developed, in which, the BLUEDIAMOND condensate removal pump range was specified for the primary redevelopment projects (stadiums, Athletes village, media centers).

In 2013, London finished construction on Europe's tallest building. Following BLUEDIAMOND's specification for the 2012 games, they were also chosen to fit out the iconic tower along with the surrounding government buildings.

Charles Austen Pumps currently produces products for satellites monitoring terror threats and early warning systems for meteorites. Our pumps carry out the crucial role of defrosting the monitoring lens. This allows them to monitor early in the morning, where it was previously impossible.

2017 saw Charles Austen dairy cabinet pumps specified into one of the largest retail chains on the planet. Our pumps, situated under refrigeration units, span thousands of stores worldwide.

In 2018 Charles Austen's American division, Blue Diamond Pumps Inc opened it's USA facility. Offering a fully stocked distribution hub, we utilize double shifts to ensure that stock items are dispatched within 24 hours.

In 2022, Charles Austen's HVACR division will be supplying the International football cup, held in Qatar. Using its highly reliable technology and retro fitting capabilities, the BLUEDIAMOND range is perfect for specifying in big builds and industrial scale jobs. Work on the stadium is due to be completed late 2019 / 2020.