www.sidechannelblower.co.uk - NOW ONLINE
Updated: Oct 22, 2021
A new dedicated website for Charles Austen Side Channel Blowers and Vacuum Pumps is now online - https://www.sidechannelblower.co.uk/

View the wide range of vacuum pumps and blowers available from Charles Austen.
Performance data and technical information is presented in an easy to use tabular format.
The range includes single phase and three phase motor variants as well as IE1, IE2 and IE3 options.
Full technical support is offered as well as comprehensive service/support. These machines are ideally suited for many industrial applications including: pneumatic conveying, aeration, vacuum holding and medical AGSS to name a few.
Please get in touch today, we'll be happy to guide you on pump/blower selection based on your process/application. Our team has 30+ years experience working with this product so lean on our expertise.
Call us today on 01932 355277 or email enquiries@charlesausten.com